Occult Books Collection

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Naslagwerken Boeken
Developer: Mihail Sava

Occult Books Collection includes 17 carefully collected masterpieces such as:

1. An Outline of Occult Science - Rudolf Steiner
One who undertakes to represent certain results of scientific spiritual research of the kind recorded in this book, must above all things be prepared to find that this kind of investigation is at the present time almost universally regarded as impossible.

2. Black Magic - Marjorie Bowen
She was educated for a nun and, I think, desired to become one of the Order of the White Sisters.

3. Clairvoyance and Occult Powers - Swami Panchadasi
In preparing this series of lessons for students of Western lands, I have been compelled to proceed along lines exactly opposite to those which I would have chosen had these lessons been for students in India.

4. Death--and After? - Annie Besant
A series of Manuals designed to meet the public demand for a simple exposition of Theosophical teachings

5. Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism - Yogi Ramacharaka
It is with no ordinary feelings that we address ourselves to our students of the Yogi class of 1904.

6. Hidden Symbolism of Alchemy and the Occult Arts - Herbert Silberer
Prominent among the stones of a fireplace in my country den, one large rounded giant stands out.

7. How to Go to a Medium - E. J. DINGWALL, M.A
This little book is an attempt to fill a gap in the literature of spiritualism.

8. How to Read the Crystal - Sepharial
Any attempt at a scientific explanation of the phenomenon of "crystal seering," to use an irregular but comprehensive term, would perhaps fall short of completeness.

9. Ideas of Good and Evil - William Butler Yeats
I think it was a Young Ireland Society that set my mind running on popular poetry. We used to discuss everything that was known to us about Ireland, and especially Irish literature and Irish history.

10. Modern Spiritualism - Uriah Smith
For nearly fifty years Spiritualism has been before the world. This surely is time enough to enable it to show its character by its fruits.

11. Occult Chemistry - Annie Besant and Charles W. Leadbeater
The deep interest and importance of the research which this book describes will best be appreciated if introduced by an account of the circumstances out of which it arose.

12. Psychic Phenomena - Edward T. Bennett
A short title to a book has its advantages. It has also its disadvantages. It is almost inevitable that it should, on the one hand, seem to include much more than is intended, and, on the other hand, fail to convey the purpose of the author.

13. Second Sight - Sepharial
I have not here written anything which is intended to displace the observations of other authors on this subject.

14. Tea-Cup Reading, and the Art of Fortune-Telling - Tea Leaves
It is somewhat curious that among the great number of books on occult science and all forms of divination.

15. Dudley Wright
Most if not all of Wesleys biographers agree that what has come generally to be known as "The Epworth Case" is one of the best authenticated and related instances of supernormal happenings in the history of psychical research.

16. The Great Keinplatz Experiment - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Every one knows that Sir Dominick Holden, the famous Indian surgeon, made me his heir, and that his death changed me in an hour from a hard-working and impecunious medical man to a well-to-do landed proprietor.

17. The Problems of Psychical Research - Hereward Carrington
In the following pages I have dealt chiefly with the mental or psychological phenomena of psychical research, and have not touched upon the "physical" manifestations to any extent.

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